The Daily Routine That Keeps Me Happy, Healthy, and Fulfilled
Every day I have a list of tasks (big & small) that I aim to accomplish that leave me feeling healthy, happy, and fulfilled. They don’t all get accomplished every day, but the more I check off, the better I feel.
Daily Routine:
- Make my bed: Super simple but an easy win early in the day to build momentum.
- Cold Shower: This is a mental thing for me. Cold showers suck, but I feel energized and accomplished after.
- Grind @ Work: While I may not be super passionate about my job, I do have a sense of pride in the work that I produce. If I feel good about my output for the day, it makes the rest of the day better.
- Mobility/Flexibility: Could be yoga, stretching or rolling. Just want to make sure I’m recovering efficiently.
- Train: Swim, Bike, Run or strength session (generally 1–2 times/day). Each session varies based on my schedule, goals etc.
- Meditate: This one’s new for me…I’ve heard amazing things so I try to meditate for at least 5 minutes/day to slowly build the habit. I use the Headspace app for guided mediation sessions.
- Intentional Breathing: A simple yet powerful way to alleviate anxiety, increase energy, improve focus, and help you fall asleep. I use the Breathwrk app for guided sessions.
- Connect: Reach out and connect with a loved one or someone new throughout the day. Could be FaceTime, calling, texting or emailing.
- Create: I try to spend a little time everyday doing something creative. It could be writing an article, designing something or even helping a friend with a workout routine.
- Fuel the Body: I aim to eat three healthy, nutritious meals a day. See below for my general nutrition strategy.
Fitness Goals:
Right now I’m training for the IRONMAN 70.3 Atlantic City on Sept 13th, 2020. The race is 70.3 total miles: 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike, 13.1 mile run. As such, most of my training includes swimming, biking and running. I add in a little strength work here and there as I see fit.
Weekly Goals:
- Run 20–30 miles: 3–4 sessions per week, two or three sessions are between 6–8 miles then one long run of 10+ miles
- Bike 70–90 miles : 3–4 sessions per week, 3 sessions around 30ish miles then one long ride of 40–60 miles.
- 2–3 Swim sessions: I’ll usually group these sessions in with a bike or run session.
- 1–2 strength sessions: Could be a HIIT session after a run or bike or a stand-alone strength session.
*I haven’t officially started my training plan for IM 70.3 AC, so right now I’m focusing on building my aerobic endurance through heart rate training.
Nutrition Strategy:
I generally eat the same foods/meals everyday. I don’t eat for taste as much as I do for ‘fuel’. I my body as a machine and make sure I’m giving it the best stuff to keep me performing at the highest level. Below is an example of what a typical meal would look like:
- Lean Protein: Chicken, fish, turkey, tuna, lean ground beef, eggs, egg whites, nuts/seeds, beans
- Whole-Grain Carb: whole-grain rice, whole-grain bread, oatmeal, cream of wheat, baked potato, sweet potato
- Veggies: I’ll eat pretty much any veggie or greens, as long as it’s healthily prepared — grilled, steamed, boiled or baked. Never fried.
- Healthy Fats: Olive Oil, coconut oil, nuts/seeds, avocado, almond butter, peanut butter
Meal Examples:
- 2 eggs (scrambled or over-easy)
- Oatmeal (1/2 cup raw oats) + banana/blueberries + almonds/cashews
Lunch + Dinner
These two meals pretty much look the same for me. I follow my overall nutrition strategy and create a meal using what I have available or already made.
- Palm-size chicken breast
- whole grain rice
- Pam seared veggie of choice
As noted above, I follow my plate example and fill it up according to what I have readily available in my fridge/pantry.
Ready to level-up?
If you want to feel incredible, improve your mindset, and get in the best shape of your life, check out the free ebook I made for you!